your own mind." And they might smile at me, nod as if they understand, and mutter, "Oh, I see, that's cool." |
Or, if they are a bit bolder (and older), they may ask, "Do you have a Zen mind?" And I might respond: "Of course I do, don't you?" and then smile. Or maybe: ''Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, sometimes I will and sometimes I won't," and then smile smugly, knowing this is a very Zen-like answer. |
Or, when I'm in a playful mood, I might answer: "Do you think an agency as conscientious as the DMV would have dared issue me these special plates if I didn't? After the eye exam, they brought in a Zen master to rigorously test me and I passed with flying colors." Straight face, no smile. This is not what they are expecting to hear. |
Everything up to this point has been money-focused: How to use speedy cable modems or direct access connections, how to get the jump on the other guy so that we can make a faster trade and make more profit; how to preserve our capital, balance our thinking and emotions, exercise self-controlall in hopes of making high returns. |
But is there any goal beyond being a good, disciplined online trader, beyond making money? Money in the service of what? A house in the country or a boat in the marina? More vacations? Private schools for our children? No worries about money? How much of our contentment in life is dependent on amassing material wealth? How much money do we need to be content in this short life and how much of our precious time do we want to spend making it? What does it mean to live a prosperous life? Here is one meaning of prosperity as a Zen master views it: |
A rich man asked Sengai to write something about the continued prosperity of his family so that it might be treasured from generation to generation. |
Sengai obtained a large sheet of paper and wrote: "Father dies, son dies, grandson dies." |
The rich man became angry. "I asked you to write something for the benefit of my family! Why do you make such a joke of this?" |
"No joke is intended," explained Sengai. "If before you yourself die your son should die, this would grieve you greatly. If your grandson should pass away before your son, both of you would be broken-hearted. If your family, generation and generation, passes away in the order I have named, it will be the natural course of life. I call this real prosperity.* |
*Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. |