Natural laws of trading, 8 |
Negative correlation, 170171 |
Negative emotions, 88 (See also Vices) |
New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems (Wilder), 136 |
News list servers, 225 |
Newton, Sir Isaac, 147 |
Number of contracts, 192193 |
Objectivity, 107 |
Omega list, 214, 225 |
Omega Trade Station, 214 |
Operating modes (market), 131135 |
Opinion, 25 |
Optimization, 211212 |
Order execution, 167 |
Overcoming a problem, 83 |
Overnight risk, 168169 |
Paper loss, 1718 |
Past information, 147 |
Percentage required to recover from loss, 188 |
Perceptions, 220 |
Persistence, 7375 |
Personal trading methodology, 210 |
Peterson, Tom R., 47, 109, 217 |
Physical environment, 4 |
Placing orders, 167 |
Plato, 63 |
Position size, 192193 |
Positive correlation, 170 |
Positive traits (see Virtues) |
Predictability of market, 116 |
Present moment in time, 1819, 202 |
Price movements, 113, 129130 |
Price stop, 176 |
Primary needs, 23 |
Probability theory, 185187 |
Procrastination, 20 |
Profitability, 178185 |
Profits, 119124, 164 |
Protective stops, 176177 |
Questions, 220221 |
Rafferty, Jerry, 81, 103 |
Range shift, 139140 |
Rational-empirical mode of thinking, 66 |
Re-present the event, 8889 |
Real-time drawdown, 182 |
Real Traders, 225 |
Reexperience an event, 29 |
References, 2829 |
Relative strength index (RSI), 136143 |
Resistance, 129 |
Resources, 225228 |
Retracement, 49 |
Retreats, 214 |
Return on investment (ROI), 180 |
Reward-to-risk ratio, 182184 |
Risk: |
avoidable, 167 |
consequence of trading, as, 96 |
defined, 164, 194 |
limit move, 169 |
liquidity, 169 |
overnight, 168169 |
time, and, 164165 |
unavoidable, 167169 |
volatility, and, 165166 |
Risk control strategies (see Money management strategies) |
Risk profile (factors to consider), 195 |
Robbins, Anthony, 75, 87, 214, 215 |
Rogers, Jimmy, 161, 203 |
ROI, 180 |
RSI, 136143 |
RSI chart, 141 |
Rules, 25, 5052, 84, 216 |
Samurai warrior, 6061 |
Schwager, Jack D., 64 |
Self-deception, 70 |
Seminars, 214, 216, 228 |
Seneca, 73 |
Series of losing trades, 168, 175 |
Seykota, Ed, 13, 64, 87, 103, 203, 209 |
Shakespeare, William, 103 |
Shaw, George Bernard, 119 |
Shifting blame, 60 |
Shorter time frame, 158 |
Sideways down market, 131, 135 |
Sideways up market, 131, 135 |
Skepticism, 105 |
Smith, Bernard E. "Sell 'em Ben," 149 |
Software, 228 |
Soros, George, 5 |
Sources of information, 214, 225228 |
Stop loss order, 176, 177 |
Stops, 156, 176178 |
Stubbornness, 7475 |
Support, 129 |
TAG conference, 214 |
Time, 164165 |
Time frame diversification, 173 |
Time frames, 158159 |
Time stop, 176 |
Time to master trading skills, 213216 |
Toppel, Edward, 225 |
Trading journal, 18, 200 |
Trading methodology, 210 |
Trading skills, 115 |
Trend lines, 136 |
Trends (see Determining market consensus) |
Truths, 78 |
Turtles, 43 |
Twain, Mark, 217 |