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Breakfast trade examples.avi62.1 M03.02.2017 18:22:52
Even failures can prove profitable.avi10.1 M03.02.2017 18:22:54
General use at all times.avi12.3 M03.02.2017 18:22:57
Magnetic pivots.avi19.4 M03.02.2017 18:23:01
Predicting new pivots.avi21.9 M03.02.2017 18:23:06
So how good are they.avi71.4 M03.02.2017 18:23:17
The basics.avi22.8 M03.02.2017 18:23:21
The breakfast trade.avi92.2 M03.02.2017 18:23:35
The brunch trade.avi44.9 M03.02.2017 18:23:40
Their use.avi9.7 M03.02.2017 18:23:42

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